Wednesday 1 January 2014

Saga Vol 1 Review

Written By: Brian K. Vaughan
Art By: Fiona Staples
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Publisher: Image Comics
Ranking: ****/***** Stars

When I heard that Brian K. Vaughan (writer of Lost, Runaways, Y The Last Man) was going to return in writing comics, I was excited. After a little hiatus in comics writing, as well as being one of the writers of  TV series Lost, it was about time Vaughan return writing in the comic medium. Lets just say after reading the first volume of Saga, I was quite impressed.

Saga is technically Game of Thrones meets Star Wars, it's set in a very strange alien galaxy like Star Wars, with the tone being dark, and R rated like Game of Thrones. The first volume centres around two alien couples, Marko (a Faun like alien) and Alana (a harpy like alien), who recently gave birth to a hybrid name Hazel, and both their races are in a interplanetary war. Since having a child mixed of two different alien races is illegal in this world, both Marko and Alana are hunted by their own kin, and freelancing bounty hunters.

Right off the bat, after reading the first chapter, I was hooked instantly, as I continued reading Saga, nothing really life changing or epic has happen, but their is a lot of set up in the book, right in the beginning Hazel narrates the book and tells the reader that her father, Marko will save the universe, which will be most likely foreshadow in the final volume in the near future. The most interesting part of the book are the supporting cast, The Will, a freelancing bounty hunter with a Lying Cat as a sidekick. A character who's hunting Marko and Alana, at the same time has a heart of gold. The other supporting cast, Prince Robot IV of the Robot Kingdom, the antagonist of the volume, has a pregnant robot wife, can only see her and his child if he kills Marko and Alana (apparently in this world, robot and get other robots pregnant, I know it's sounds insane,  but so are other things in this book that I don't want to spoil).

The art in the book is fantastic, Fiona Staples art fits and sets the tone for this entire series. Vaughan's imagination is strong and out their, each character although living in a sci-fi setting, are very grounded and don't feel two dimensional. My only problem with the book is it's more set up, nothing really big happens, I hope Vaughan does a good payoff in the final act of the series. I should warn reader that this book has extreme violence and graphic sex scenes, I would not recommend it to the faint of heart or to kids. If you are like 16 years old, and can stomach thought the intense panels in the book. I would strongly recommend the book.